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14 avril 2014 1 14 /04 /avril /2014 22:36


Grover Furr, est un professeur de littérature canadien qui enseigne aux États-Unis. Il s'est consacré à l'étude de l'Union soviétique et a écrit le livre "Khrushchev Lied" sur les mensonges de Khrustchev au sujet de Staline. Auteur de plusieurs articles et livres sur l'Union soviétique, il a écrit un article sur le massacre de Katyn, faussement attribué aux troupes soviétiques. Cet article vient d'être publié dans un journal russe.


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Grover Furr <furrg_nj@fastmail.fm>
To: "Grover Furr,Fastmail" <furrg_nj@fastmail.fm>
Sent: Saturday, 12 April 2014, 17:46
Subject: My Article on the "Katyn Massacre" in a Russian newspaper

Dear friend:

Back in August I published an article titled

"The 'Official Version' of the Katyn Massacre Disproven? Discoveries at a German Mass Murder Site in Ukraine"

in _Socialism and Democracy_. Vol 27 No. 3 (2013), pp. 96-129.

An abbreviated version of this article is published today in _Tverskaia Gazeta_, a daily newspaper of the city of Tver', Russia.


Mednoe, a village about 15 miles from Tver', is the site of a huge memorial complex to these "victims of the Katyn Massacre."

Several thousand Polish POWs, supposedly shot by the Soviets in April-May 1940, are said to be buried.

In my article I explain how recent archaeological discoveries 700 miles away in Ukraine prove that this story is false.

* * * * *

Why is it important to know that the "official" version of the Katyn Massacre is false?

Because the Katyn Massacre has been, until now, the best-documented "crime of Stalinism."

Now we know that it is false: an anticommunist lie that originated with the Nazis and has been enthusiastically promoted by anticommunists of all stripes ever since, including by Gorbachev and today's Russian government.

This fact will be ignored, just as the important discoveries at the Ukraine mass murder site have been ignored.

The "Katyn Massacre" is too valuable as an anticommunist horror story to let a little thing like historical truth get in the way!

* * * * *

The article has also been translated into Italian and published here:


A Spanish translation is here:


A Galician language translation is here:


A German translation has been completed and should be on the web before long.

* * * * *

A "pre-print" version of the English original is online on my Home Page at


I' have mailed offprints to some of you.

If anyone else would like an offprint, please email me privately.


Grover Furr
Montclair SU

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    Staline - imagesCAZWBVDE

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